Kid Konnect is an opportunity for children K – 5th grade to connect with God and one another through games, crafts, and activities on Sunday mornings.
Please sign your child into Kid Konnect upon arrival in the FLC (Family Life Center) near the welcome table so that he/she will be ready to join the group once they are dismissed during service. Pick-up is in the social hall at the conclusion of the worship service (11AM).
*All volunteers approved to work with children at FBC have
completed special child safety training and background checks.
Staffed Nursery
Available downstairs in the original building during Sunday morning worship (9:30AM – 11AM)

During the school year, Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm the Word of Life clubs meet here at FBC. Each club night includes songs, games, a Bible story, and small group time. Special theme nights such as crazy hair or pajama night are planned throughout the year.
Gopher Buddies: Ages 4 – Kindergarten. Located in the Social Hall.
The Gopher motto is “I’m digging deeper in God’s word.” We aim to provide a safe and fun environment for children to explore the love of God together.
Olympian Club: Grades 1st – 6th. Located in the Family Life Center.
There are 3 levels of the Olympian groups – Challengers is for 1st and 2nd grades; Conquerors is for 3rd and 4th grades, and Champions is for 5th and 6th grades.
The goal for the Olympian club is to press on toward becoming better followers of Jesus. The children work throughout the year to earn bronze, silver, and gold levels along with a prize.